My kiddo will not willingly shower, brush his teeth, or wear deodorant!!!

He’s 13, and I’ve had enough. He literally stinks, and it smells like 3 day old refried beans and onions that have been left out..seriously, no joke. I’ve been making him brush is teeth while I’m in the bathroom, watching his every move, and I told my husband to get in the shower with him and scrub the shit out of him if he can’t do it himself. Is anyone else going through anything similar?? His girlfriend just broke up with him and I can’t help but think maybe that could be why…

Editing: He’s been this way since he started having to wear deodorant. It didn’t start happening when his girlfriend broke up with him. I think it’s possible she broke up with him because he has terrible body odor and maybe even bad breath. I’ve tried talking to him, but it’s always “I can’t remember”, or “I forgot”. He shows no signs of depression and is very active in sports and we’re a very close knit family , so I don’t think that’s it. He thinks it’s funny.