HELP! My 9 month old has forgette how to go to sleep on her own


My daughter turned 9 months a week ago and for the last 3 weeks she’s completely forgotten how to go to sleep on her own. She used to be so good! There were times when you could just pet her in her cot and leave the room and that was that.

Now she won’t go to sleep unless we rock her and she fight it aggressively! She’ll flail and scratch. She drew blood from my face yesterday.

She gives tired cues. She usually goes to sleep around the same times for naps. But I put her down and she either cries or just plays. If she’s playing/, I just leave her be but she never goes to sleep.

We’ve even dropped a nap because she didn’t need it. She only takes two now.

But what do I do!? She just won’t sleep and if she does, it’s only for a few minutes. If I try rock her and force her to sleep, I get hurt (physically and emotionally). And if I ignore her, she just won’t go to sleep.

I’m trying CIO where I go check on her after 5 minutes if she’s crying. But she just gets excited when she sees me and I feel like any progress is undone.