Dude he’s INTO you

Okay. You know as a woman, we KNOW when someone is looking at the man we love.

My boyfriend has this friend that is invasive. My boyfriend has to TELL him to go home.

I don’t know why my so hasn’t caught on, maybe he doesn’t care? But I’m so positive he’s into my boyfriend. When we are cuddled on the couch together, his friend looks at us in.. almost hate. Like burning hate.

I’ve been catching on slowly and the other night he came up to my boyfriend and grabbed his hand and was swaying back and forth, smiling and looking my so in the eyes and I was like uhhh, and then my so pulled his hand back and told him “please don’t touch me. I don’t like being touched.” And this guy said “well you don’t care if SHE touches you.” And he said “well yeah she’s my girlfriend.” And he just stared at him and looked at me with that hate and walked off. It’s like he cannot fucking stand when we are showing affection towards eachother and wants to join us.

I told my boyfriend “i think he’s into you.” And my boyfriend is like “nah”

Yah dude. Yah.

And another thing, EVEN HIS BABY MOMMA NOTICED IT. In TWO seconds she caught on when she was over picking up their daughter.

He was in the middle of leaving when she showed up and after he left, his bm said “wow that dude likes you.” “He’s like inlove with you man”

IM NOT THE ONLY ONE NOW. When she left I pointed that out and pointed a lot of other things out. He watches my so when he walks around the house, like as if he can’t look away. He tries to do all this stuff for him, and he will touch him. The hand holding thing was thus far the most blatant flirt he pulled but he will randomly touch my SOs hair and it PEEVES my so, like he’s not going to be invited over again just because of the amount of times he’s kept touching him randomly after he’s said multiple times “stop touching me”

And the guy will be like “I have boundary issues”

Clearly if you can flirt with a man who’s girlfriend is literally in his lap.

Another thing is, my so works with him and he does this all day at work too. So just not inviting him over won’t end it completely.

I have never been looked at by a man like this guy looks at me. He looks at me with envy and hate

Just a small rant here, I am so glad he’s not coming back over so I can sit on the couch with my man and not be stared at like I’m something that’s just “in the way” for this dude. I’m sorry but my boyfriend is straight as hell. When this guy touches him like that he literally cringes

Did someone really just comment saying my boyfriend is fucking this dude on the side?

Well that’s fucking grim, but I don’t have trust issues like that and don’t think it’s happening. I’ve been cheated on, dated a sociopath that cheated relentlessly with men and women and was good at hiding it. I know the signs. This just ain’t that. Project your problems onto someone else.