When should I be going to the hospital?

Krystal • Mama to one boy July 2021 after 4 losses.

So I’ve heard to call the midwife when contractions are 3-5 minutes apart or the pain is so bad you can’t walk / talk through them or if your waters have colour or Oder to them.

So 11:47 my waters broke, 12:15 my contractions started 1 minute long started off mild now since it’s 1:08 and I’ve had my last couple be pretty bad. Laying down breathing through the pain. They are most a minute long but the occasional 20 second one and between 3-5 minutes but not exactly regular like exactly 5 minutes like it’s 3 minutes then 4 then 5 again then 2 so I’m not sure if I should be going in calling midwife or waiting for regular contractions and more pain? I was told to hold off till morning if I could to call midwife in case labour and birth was long that way she can be there longer in the later stages.