Pull ups to help potty train?

A • Mama🌈🎀💙

Wondering people’s thoughts on if pull ups help with potty training. My 2 year old for the last several weeks will tell me she has to go “potty” so we go into the bathroom (she leads us). I ask if she wants to take her pants and diaper off and she says no. She just sits on her little potty. She wants toilet paper and wants to flush that in the big potty after but she won’t take off her pants and diaper.

She used to sit on her potty before bath time almost every night and for about 2 weeks would go about half the time but now she won’t do that. I have been wondering if trying pull ups would help? She wants to do everything herself and has a hard time taking her diaper off so I wonder if that’s the issue. I am not trying to push her or anything. Just wondering others experiences. FTM here 😊