How to get rid of all that hair?


So I am pretty shure I have some kind of hormonal disorder that my endocrinologyst and ginecologyst didn't figure out yet.

I have prolonged cycles and painfull ones too, my hair is falling off for many years,and I have hair around my boobies,stomac,my butt.

I usually shave,or use epilator,but would it be strange to do laser hair removal on my ass?

I had this problem, plinoid cyst couple years ago, it was like ingrown hair beetween my butt cheeks, and it hurt like hell, I though I had backpain but it was that cyst,and they cut it without any anestesia, alive and it hurt so much.

And the doctor told me that that shit usualy comes back sometimes in life again.

Do you think laser hair removal can be done in that area? That is basicly like a hair that got stuck in skin but didn't got out on surface and it got inflamed.