21 month old done with naps?


Her naps have always been kind of advanced on when she has dropped naps. She was down to 1 by around 12 months. Since around 17 months and progressively, she has been not napping at all more and more consistently. For awhile it was 50% of the time. She's not even tired or cranky. She usually sleeps 12 hours at night and have since we sleep trained her from 7 months old. Recently shes been sleeping in and getting 13-13.5 hours of sleep a night so naps are completely out the window.

She doesnt sleep in a crib and havent for a long time because she can climb out so she sleeps in a childproofed room with a mattress on the floor. She has stuffies in there with her and a book and if she doesnt nap she plays in there for an hour or so so she has quiet time instead.

Anyone else's toddler similair?