How did u feel at 36 weeks pregnant

I’m really wondering if everyone( or most ) feels like this at 36 weeks or if labor is coming soon.

With my first I definitely was not this uncomfortable and I was induced at 39 weeks. She was small at 6 pounds so maybe that’s why. I weighed about 134 the day I gave birth.

This time around I am so uncomfortable at 36 weeks I feel like he’s literally going to come any day. Constant bad pressure that seems to get worse everyday . Sharp random low pains , my body feels exhausted like I don’t even want to get up. Bad back and hip pain. Swollen feet and hands . Tired all the time but once I get a chance to sleep I can’t . Headache. No motivation to do anything or get baby stuff ready.

I hate this. I want to be induced again at 39 weeks but I doubt that will happen since I have no health problems this time around (that’s a good thing I know but I’m just miserable )

I weight about 140 right now but I am way bigger than I was with first. 😭 idk if this is all normal or if it could mean labor sooner than due date ? I know no one really knows but just looking for your experience !