May be pregnant confusion/ ovulation...


I am trying to convince and think I may be pregnant

I was ovulating when trying to conceive and it’s been 2 weeks since conception I have pregnancy symptoms which are very different to PMS or what I usually experience. I thought having those cramps was a sign my cycle was due but nothing came as before it did when trying last month so I have a feeling something is different this time.

I never usually get

Boob aches at all and mine have lasted more than a week and etc

I have pregnancy symptoms and white milky discharge and needing to pee a lot so I tested to see if I was ovulating again due to the discharge and that it could be my period coming up but negative OPK and no period.

My periods are irregular as it is so it’s very confusing and it’s too early to take a test I think..?

I’ve heard that discharge may also be a sign of early pregnancy.

Fingers crossed 🤞🏼🥺🥺

Thanks guys

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