

Idk what I’m really hoping to get out of posing this. Maybe solidarity? Just venting? Both? Idk. Some days are just off but it seems like the days where you’re just off those are the days where everything goes wrong. I am out of popsicles and my daughter is currently obsessed so I thought I’d make her some new ones since she loves them so much maybe I can make them a little healthier by making them instead of buying them. Anyway, I put all of the ingredients in the blender and my daughter noticed it and freaked out. I calmed her down and gave her the rest of her snack to distract her while I quickly blended the ingredients. I made the mistake of giving her yogurt and she threw it and it got everywhere! No big deal I clean it up ans throw away the old shoes I use for work (I don’t want to attempt to get the yogurt out of the inside of those shoes). We snuggled and calmed down. She did want her yogurt so I got her more and she ate it. Then she took a bath and right as I was getting her out she pooped in the bath. I scooped the poop out, rinsed the bath out and started cleaning. Then we went out and I started pouring the smoothie mix into the popsicle molds and in all the insanity I forgot that I had left the pantry open and she pulled a can of beans out and dropped it on her toe 😭. She has a huge gash on her toe and cried for like 5ish minutes. I cleaned the cut and decided we are just going to watch a movie before dinner and share the rest of the smoothie.

This literally all happened in the span of 30 minutes!

I just feel bad that I dropped the ball so many times in a row. Anyway if you made it this far thank you for reading ❤️