Pumping-feel like giving up!


My little one is two months old and I have been exclusively pumping but man it’s getting so hard. She has horrible crying/fussiness and I’ve tried so many things to see if that’s what the cause was. I’ve tested to see if I have a foremilk imbalance, thickening her milk, cuting things out of my diet, the list goes on. So, she’s so fussy a lot of the day, I need to pump every 3-4 hours but am lucky if I can get to it before 5-6 hours due to her crying. She normally is crying the whole time I am pumping as well. Going out as a pumper is hard to. You have to take so much crap with you, find a space to pump, and for me that’s if my daughter will let me as she’s usually crying. Then you gotta store all the milk you pumped out and about. Feeding the baby is harder as you have to warm up the bottle. I’m constantly leaking and having sore boobs. Baby is sleeping longer stretchs but I don’t get to as I have to get up twice through the night to pump. I am so tempted to try formula not only to see what’s going on with her stomach but for my mental health but I know I’ll feel like a failure, plus it’s expensive!