5 week old eating/sleeping issue


My 5-week-old has been primarily bottle-fed breast milk since birth but has recently been doing more direct breastfeeding as well. He established a very consistent night sleep schedule around 2-3 weeks, with a bedtime of 9pm and then wake ups for feeding around 1am and 5am. He doesn’t ever take consistent naps during the day, and has been more of a short napper in the daytime.

A few days ago he suddenly stopped sleeping for longer stretches at night, waking every 2 hours, even with our same routine. When he is asleep, it doesn’t seem restful as it seems like he’s having trouble staying still. He squirms and squirms and can’t fall and/or stay asleep even when swaddled or being held. At night, our routine has been bath time, feed, swaddle, bed. He usually goes right to sleep and stays asleep for ~3.5-4 hours. Now, he wakes up after 20 minutes. If we can get him to sleep it’s for no longer than 2 hours.

Then today, I’ve noticed he has been eating significantly less. If breastfeeding he just falls to sleep after 10ish minutes then unlatches himself and wakes up and doesn’t want to feed more, and with bottles he has been eating only half of his normal amount and not finishing his bottles.

Anyone know what might be going on? At first I thought growth spurt or something interfering with his sleep, but with his milk intake changing too I’m wondering if it could be something else. He’s not necessarily fussier, although today he was crying pretty much all day. But yesterday he was very chill despite barely sleeping. So I’m not sure what to think.