Finding out the gender a little early ??


Me and my boyfriend have been discussing for the past month and a half on if I should find out the gender of our baby early. We have talked about it over and over again and he just doesn’t want me to find out early. Which I’ll be 13 weeks tomorrow and I wanted to get the Ultrasound to find out the gender at around 15 weeks but he just doesn’t agree. I asked him why and he said “because I said so”. This is my first pregnancy and baby but it isn’t his. Should I just obey and not find out early ? or should I talk to him more ? I would really love to find out just because i’ve waited for this for a while now and I’ve always wanted to be a mother. I just want to know and I wish he would share that same excitement in wanting to find out and I would like for us to agree on things when it comes to the baby but I haven’t had luck on that at all.