Any of you swell from hands in third trimester?


I have protein in my urine so I’m keeping an eye on all the other symptoms that can lead to preeclampsia.... As of now no excessively high blood pressure.

So far I’ve been seeing spots/stars for about 2 months which is why they tested me for protein in urine...

My feet just started swelling last week nothing crazy but not something I had with my other 2 pregnancies...

I get dizzy spells but I know that can be normal

This past week I started noticing my fingers get a tight feeling and now I’m realizing it’s swelling because my rings get very tight off and on...

This is the most recent symptom which I will mention at my apt... just wondering on others experiences with these symptoms all together?

Btw. Don’t mind my fresh Manicure 🤣☠️🤷🏼‍♀️

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