Pregnancy insomnia can’t stay aslp


Any one else going through this or just me?? I mean before I still wasn’t the greatest the sleeper but I was at least sleeping 4 hrs straight before waking up and falling back aslp. Now I’m falling aslp and waking up literally every hour. So I’m taking a hour nap waking up and then going back to sleep sometimes within 5 mins or sometimes 10 I usually watch something on my phone then I pass out. But then after a hour I’m right back up!! I guess I shouldn’t complain because I am getting sleep I’m just waking up soooo much it’s annoying. I’m 21 weeks right now. It just started a few days ago. 😩 I just want to go back to sleeping 4 hours straight lol that’s now my goal. I’m up right now baby is moving a ton. So I decided to sit up in bed a little bit instead and see if that will help me stay aslp but probably not because it already feels uncomfortable. I can fall aslp no problem but staying Aslp is the problem.