We did it! 😍


Our little rainbow Opal decided to join us on July 17, 8:49am 7lb 1oz 🥰🥰 (the date I thought she was going to yay). Had a sweep done last Wednesday and contractions started that Thursday night in my back. They continued all day Friday slowly getting worse and closer together, decided to go into hospital around 9pm. They admitted me since the drive is 45 minutes away and I was 3cm dilated, labored all night was super painful!! I got my water broken to speed things up and since I started having the urge to push. Just had to wait a tiny bit longer and she was ready ☺️. Extremely painful experience but of course completely worth it for her she's too perfect 😍! We are home, healthy and adjusting to everything. Thank you for this group and everyone in it, helped me a lot through everything 💕 best of luck to all of you! Good job mommas!!