For anyone else spotting


I hope you’re keeping sane and calm!!

I’ve had a few ✨very few✨ dark brown spots, on like random days. The first time i had done the baby dance with hubby the night before and had a tough #2 in the morning (unrelated to the sex just saying), the 2nd was after instructing at the gym.

I’ve read about a million articles and am calling my doc this morning but 3 major things I read that calmed my nerves until I can call or get to a doctor:

-Around week 6, your uterus (or placenta I can’t remember which one) takes over hormone production which causes spotting for a lot of women

-if you have a sensitive cervix you can spot after sex, and as long as it’s dark it’s usually not something to freak about

-pushing during a difficult bowel movement or over exerting on exercise can cause spotting for a lot of women