First hookup- ADVICE PLS


I met up with a guy from bumble last night and we eventually ended up at his place and had sex. He asked me to stay the night but said I didn’t have to since we’d both have to leave pretty early for work. I planned on staying but left around 2:30AM bc I felt like I was keeping him up and told him I was going to leave (I assumed he was half awake still and heard me bc as I said it he giggled but I did notice he was also murmuring in his sleep).

This morning he texted me about me leaving and I let him know why. I’ll attach a ss of the text as well. Up until today he would respond like every 5 minutes and I understand he may be busy but it’s just strange how it switched up.

I figured if he didn’t like me or the way I looked, he wouldn’t have had me over to his place or have sex with me and ask me to stay the night and also wouldn’t think he’d send me that text but I could be wrong.

***also would like to note that he hasn’t unmatched me from bumble either

Update: we have not spoken since this last exchange LOL