Exposed to covid at work

So recently I was exposed to a staff member that ended up testing positive… anywho. My supervisor talked with the public health and all our bosses made them think that because she was night shift we are all fine. Well I went home after 12hr shift in the office working at the same desk as the coworker and I woke up in the middle of that night with a fever and hard to breath. So I let my supervisor know I think I got whatever she had before I knew she tested. I still had to work my whole shift.

So now i went and got tested after my shift because I’ve never felt like this before and was told I can’t catch it so quick I wake up again tonight in so much pain and hard to breath still a fever even if my test come back negative I’m begging my doctor for a stress leave of 5 weeks cause that’s all I have left. My work expects me to choose the job over my family and health and it is not fair at all this whole pregnancy I’ve felt fine not even morning sickness back ache here and there but anything I ate puked up with a crap ton of stomach acid I’m so mad that the worker even came in in the conditions she did. My work also thinks covid is a joke so don’t think there’s a chance I got it