How would you have reacted to this?

I was upstairs finishing work and started sexting my husband who was downstairs watching TV. He snapped me some nudes to which I replied “meet me in the shower in 20”.

Well I finish work and head to the shower and send him some nudes and he replies with 😍 and comes to the shower. But then he just sits there making conversation. Mind you, I’m in the shower with just a white tshirt (he used to go crazy for that since I have pretty large breast) and then he gets up to leave. I yell “wait are you leaving??!” And he turns around and says “yeah, I already showered!” And I just looked at him, took off my tshirt and said fine whatever and began my actual shower routine. The he asked “wait are you really mad, I already showered” and I just gave him the death stare and he took off. Luckily I had my vibrator so I still got myself off but I’m just mad as hell.

Like is him jumping back in to have sex with me such an inconvenience because that’s how I feel. I’m always the one to initiate sex and I’ve told him so many times how that makes me feel so undesired by him, he says he’d get better and will initiate once and fall back into the pattern. All other aspect of our relationship is wonderful, but our sex life feels like we are at a disconnect 😞