One night stand problems.

So about 2 weeks ago I had a one night stand it wasn’t my first one night stand but some how I always will randomly think about my one night stands. Like I don’t just forget all about them like how movies and tv shows make it seem. Every once and a while I will still think about them on accident I guess. Basically what I’m trying to get into is that I wonder do when guys have one night stands do they think about the female afterwards? I have been thinking about the guy from 2 weeks ago a lot and I have him on social media but I don’t want to text him and seem desperate because he hasn’t texted me first either. I feel like have I even crossed his brain more than 3 times since we first met. He has crossed mine a lot but I really hate looking desperate. I guess I just always feel stupid for wanting to talk to my one night stands but I can never bring myself to it. I feel like guys see one night stands as how they are portrayed on tv. I’m rambling and saying the same things in different ways so I apologize in advance, I tend to do that a lot lol.