Lifestyle changes while TTC


I know that it is recommended to change your lifestyle, so everything will be favorable for the conceiving and the egg and the sperm and the CM and whatever...on top of all my frustration with this process, I feel a bit depressed that I have to give up on wine, carbohydrates, sauces with a little extra fat etc. and feel guilty when I actually cave, because I need a bit of endorphin. I am nagging my bf not to have one or two beers because I might ovulate soon and "it is recommended" to have very little to no alcohol so it won't affect the quality of the sperm. Not to forget exercising constantly and taking the right supplements and, guess what, nothing happens. And I see my friends who were only eating take-out, pasta 4 days in a row, Prosecco and not exercising a day in their life and bam...pregnant. I'm not trying to be mean or ungrateful, just wished I could live my life the way I feel like without having that guilt that I might ruin this month's chances, or the next. What is your opinion?