Help!! Period ? Pregnancy? I’m in another country !!


I’m really hoping that someone could give me some advice. I am currently in Italy visiting family for a month. Ive been using the Copper IUD (it’s been 4 months since insertion normal periods usually 6/7 days long) I also started a low dosage pill to help with hormones imbalances as I was getting hormonal acne due switching to the Copper IUD from the nuva ring. (Been on the low hormone pill for 3 weeks) . Since getting my period on the 13th I have had my period for 11 days with still fresh blood and occasional cramping. I felt nauseous the first day of my period and have thrown up once around my 6th day. Super low energy and fatigue don’t know what’s going on with my body. I’ve checked the string of the IUD and it feels fine, However I’m concerned I’ve never had such a long period and i have no signs of it ending. I don’t return to the US until the 29th so I won’t be able to consult with my doctor.

Any advice is greatly appreciated thank you,

Stay safe