Need help with brother with autism!

My brother is almost 21 and has autism. He is borderline and his traits mainly show socially. I just recently moved out of my parents’ with my son and boyfriend. We both work and the baby is still up every little bit. Lately, my brother has been having issues with my parents and he’s been trying to come to my boyfriend and I a lot. Which is fine with both of us, but what isn’t fine with us is that he tries to text and call us at random hours. Like right now, he texted me at 5:30 in the morning wanting to talk about something that could definitely wait until morning. The other day he called my boyfriend at 7 and my partner was a little annoyed. I think my brother just doesn’t understand that just because he’s awake doesn’t mean other people will be, so I don’t think it’s intentional, but still frustrating. Especially since he doesn’t really want to listen to advice anyways

How can I let him know we are there for him but don’t want to be texted/called at random times without being mean or insensitive to his feelings?