Toddler sleep regression from new baby


Hoping someone else has gone through this! My 2.3 year old is so difficult to get to sleep lately and it’s driving me insane! We just had baby number 2 so I know it’s an adjustment and I knew she would go through some type of regression. My daughter is just a pain in the ass at night all of a sudden. She’ll throw out every reason to not go to bed (I’m sick, my stomach hurts, I need milk, I want more stories, I want to sleep in your bed, etc.). If it’s not that then she’s waking up in the middle of the night wanting me to sleep with her or go in my bed. I’ve been strong and have only let her come into our bed once due to me being exhausted but I’m wondering if anyone else had this happen? Mainly I want to know how long does it last?!! Also is there anything I can do help her through this transition? I know it’s an attention thing but she’s not getting the correct amount of sleep and I don’t know what to do to help her. Thanks in advance!