I’m over it!


So I’m a ftm and I’m 37 weeks and I’m just so sick of being in the house doing the same thing every day I mean soon I’ll have to be in the house with the baby once he is here I keep trying to explain this to my partner today we went it and it was nice bug I wasn’t ready to come home and sit in bed and watch tv and just think about how uncomfortable iam yesterday I cried cause I’m so uncomfortable and in pain I just wanna do something a little fun today we went out to eat which is cool but I feel like eating is all I can do and we also went to see a movie but I’m not a big movie person never have been so that isn’t really fun for me I probably sound ungrateful I don’t mean to but we all have things we are into and to is not one for me idk I’m just sick of being home doing and seeing he somethings also very over being pregnant anyway my rant is over