house guest update

ham • US Army’s best kept secret

to catch others up: my husbands best friend “nick” is staying with us during his divorce. this divorce was initiated by nick because his “ex” wife hasn’t been cleaning or taking care of herself lately. he gave her the choice to clean up her act (pun intended) or he’d leave. she obviously didn’t and that’s how he’s ended up staying at my house. oh also, he didn’t take off his wedding ring for a week.


y’all i’m kinda over the whole nick situation. he’s a horrid alcoholic, he hasn’t been taking care of his cat, and he wears and obnoxious amount of cologne.

about an hour ago he woke up (he literally sleeps ALL day, him waking up at 8pm is actually early) and tells us he’s going to hangout w someone from our old unit. okay that’s cool. so he hops in the shower, a very rare sight, and goes out to jump his car. he then comes back in, brushes his teeth (another rare sight), puts gel in his hair and mustache, and puts on the obnoxious cologne. super odd, so when he walked out the door i made the comment “haha do you think *insert guy from old unit* is gonna try to set him up w someone ?” and my husband without skipping a beat says “nah, he’s probably going to see his wife-“ and then we both looked at each other like 🤨

5 minutes later, nick comes BACK in and goes into his room to put on a clean t shirt (i know it’s clean bc i just did his wash), and then leaves again. my husband then goes “uhhh he just asked me for his wife’s book back..” that he borrowed and gave back over a year ago

theory #1

nick is going to see his “ex” wife and he’s trying to get back together with her


theory #2

he is going to see her but it’s just to give stuff back and since he doesn’t have anything of hers, he was going to give the book back. he got dressed up to “pretty woman” her

thoughts, questions, concerns ?

btw ik i’m nosy lol it’s my worst personality trait, i’ve accepted it.

kinda hope they get back together soon bc my husband leaves for a 24 day work trip and that means it’ll be me, baby, and nick.. YIKES