house guest update pt2

ham • US Army’s best kept secret

i literally just made a post about this situation, if you go to my profile you can read the whole thing.

for the others that don’t feel like it, husbands best friend “nick” is staying with us while he’s getting divorced. but tonight my husband and i are pretty sure nick is going to see his wife and either try to get back w her, or “pretty woman” her-


he’s 100% going to have sex with her. 😑😑

long story short, i’m sitting in my bedroom, my husband comes in and says look what i found in the bathroom. he was laughing, holding a book, and i have bad eye sight so i didn’t see what was on the cover at first- he flipped it open and it was one of those anime sex books. i-

it literally took my breath away, i’ve never seen one before (besides the few collectible playboys my husband owns but none have cartoon porn) and i was so shocked. my husband was like “i found this in the bathroom and the fan was turned on.” which means one of the times nick came back into the house, he most likely jerked off before leaving. IN MY BATHROOM.

so then i kinda freaked out because ew and walked into the kitchen for water to calm down.

when i sat at my kitchen table i saw something under my husbands wallet and keys- ANOTHER ANIME PORN BOOK. literally sitting on my effing kitchen table 🤬🤬

look, i’m not a prude. im very open sexually and im not embarrassed by the conversation either. but this-

i’m speechless, my husband thinks it’s funny though. i suppose i did giggle a little but idk it’s kinda disturbing