Fighting fatigue?


After being worried for weeks on end about lack of symptoms, fatigue has hit me so hard this past week.

I have a 21 month old and we get okay sleep, she wakes up once or twice a night but never for long. Goes to bed between 7-7:30pm and wakes up about 6:30am.

In my first pregnancy I could come home and nap on the sofa, this time around I have responsibilities to my daughter and my partners work overlaps our evening routine a bit so I do a lot of the evening routine with her and he helps as soon as he’s able.

Once my daughter goes to bed so do I at the moment, but with an office/desk job, early nights and a general feeling of can’t be bothered - I know I’m not moving enough which is contributing to my overall lack of energy 😫

Any tips on how to build up some energy without making myself feel even worse? We were out shopping this afternoon.and I could honestly have just sat on the floor and taken a nap 😴😕