I never thought this would happen to us...


This is the first time I’m writing about this. I’ve been with my fiancé for almost 9 years. We got engaged back in December. I had no idea he was talking to a female friend at work until the day before Valentine’s Day (he decided to tell me about the friendship so he didn’t have to hide it). Things took a turn for the worst and I found out some sexual Text and conversations they have. Overtime he ignores me at times and will never show me his phone. There’s waay more things but this post will be really long. Anyways, after being depressed and losing 20 pounds I made the foolish decision to stay and try to work on things and not to get fired up about the things I was continuing to notice. Last night I was over it after seeing him send hearts to her and I asked who he was texting and he lied to my face. I will be telling him to leave and I don’t even think he understands how serious I am. He pretty much ignores me in the house and shows me attitude when I ask him something. He also talks to his guys friends on the phone as if nothing is going on with us. I literally went from being the happiest woman in the world, engaged and ttc...to this....Anyways I know what to do and I’m much stronger now. I’m looking for a friends to talk to, vent, or just talk about anything really. To either get my mind off it or help me let it out. I have no one to talk to right now. Also any advice on how to move on and how to get back into dating ? I just turned 27. Thank you for reading.