Moving out

Vanessa • 22💙 Boy mom

I’m 20 years old and I have a 8 month old son. We both currently live with my mom. I always knew I didn’t have the best mom since she is an alcoholic and makes uncalled for comments about everything. I never really knew how toxic she was until I was pregnant and people started pointing it out to me. For example she yelled at me for complaining about heartburn and saying I don’t actually have heartburn. It only got worse after my son was born. I already had terrible ppd but my mom told me not to tell the doctors because they would take my son away. She has slowly stopped helping me with my son while also criticizing every parenting decision and calling me a bad mom multiple times. There’s so many more things she’s done that I’m not even going to get into. I really need to move out so I decided to work full time on top of taking online classes. My dad is letting me move in with him so I can have some help with the baby but after everything with my mom I feel like such a burden staying with my dad.

I really need advice on living on my own or any other tips you can give me. If you could also keep me and my son in your thoughts and prayers I would be forever grateful❤️