I think my baby loves Disney 😅


Hello mommies!

I’m 11 weeks pregnant and been getting really bad morning sickness lately. Always wake up nauseous and sick, gagging and throwing up too. But last night I was feeling so dizzy and terrible that i tried playing music so i can sleep. Playlist of choice was Disney Bedtime Songs. I quickly dozed off and woke up great! Barely woke up through the night. I woke up not feeling sick for the first time in a long while. Decided to cook breakfast for me and hubby and I usually can stay standing for long without getting dizzy, but this time I was okay. Had Disney playing in the background while I sang and cooked. Was able to eat without feeling that I want to puke too. 😅 it so great! I guess baby loves Disney too that’s why he/she is calm. I feel like it’s a girl too. 😁