Sleeps Through the Night


Since about the 12th of July, my almost 4mo old son has been sleeping so many hours I thought it might be a problem. He can't be woken, so he might go 8+ hours without a feed. When I get him up to change him he sleeps through all the movement, even after it's been 6 hours! And then when he does wake up, he doesn't even act hungry, just smiles and gets excited when I look at him. I change him and then feed him, and I can tell he's hungry, but for some reason he isn't hangry.

He usually falls asleep around 10pm, and wakes fully for the first time between 7am and 9am. For a while I thought it was super great when he was waking up between 2-4:30, but that didn't last long and now he sleeps forever. I know he's not starving because he is gaining weight rapidly and is a very happy and smiley baby. He only "really" cries maybe once every couple days. Otherwise it's just small fusses. Most of what he does is laugh and smile at EVERYTHING.

I'm not posting to brag. I'm not even sure this is normal, but he is very happy so I'm going to continue to do what he needs when he needs it unless told otherwise by the Dr.

Just now, it is 6am, and I've been awake for an hour, but I got up to pump (got 7.8oz out and was still dripping) and changed him and he slept through it. I only stopped pumping because I thought he might wake up and I could feed him a little, but nope.

When he makes little fusses in the middle of the night, I always first turn him to his other side (he sleeps on his side. He won't sleep on his back, but I never put him on his stomach), and that usually does it. If it doesn't, I change him and feed him then put him back down, but that's been happening less and less.

I'm incredibly blessed that I can sleep a long time, but it still really weirds me out that he sleeps so much at night. He still naps during the day, having a usual afternoon nap around 2-3 hours, and a few small naps in between.

I have a strange child.