Baby fell and hit her gums


My daughter is 11 months old and has had her two bottom teeth for a while now. She’s been teething as her two top teeth having been trying to come in, but hadn’t broken through yet. Yesterday she was cruising along the bottom of our bed holding on to the mattress when she fell and hit her mouth. On the right side of her top gum where her front two teeth are was bleeding, I’m guessing her bottom tooth got it. I got a clean rag and cleaned her mouth. When I got the bleeding to stop, didn’t last long maybe a minute, I notice her top tooth on that side had broken through. Could her bottom tooth have broken through the gum for her top tooth? Could her top tooth be damaged from this? There’s no bruising or swelling, her bottom teeth look fine and the bottom of her top tooth that I can see looks fine. No discoloration or anything and she’s eating fine as well. Doesn’t seem to bother her or like anything even happened. I know you guys aren’t doctors, but just wondering if anyone had something similar happen to their babies.