Implantation bleeding or period


AF is due tomorrow. I started spotting last night which I normally do right before my period which is why I assumed AF. It hasn't got much heavier and is still mostly when I wipe, but I have to like really get up there to get anything other than a little streak of pink every once in a while I put a pad on bc I was expecting to actually start and I keep thinking that I've started bc it feels pretty wet down there like I had started but I just have a bit of fluid on the pad. The only thing that's freaking me out a bit is that I'm having horrible cramps. I NEVER have cramps and if I do they're fairly mild. The only other time I've had cramps like this is when I was pregnant with my ectopic. I took a pregnancy test Saturday which would have been 9 dpo and it was negative. I havent taken one since.

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