I am going to be pregnant forever

So I switched doctors really late bc I found out the hospital closest to me will allow me two support people in the delivery room whereas the other hospital would only let me have one person. It meant a lot to me to have both my mother and sister with me (the dad isn’t involved) so I switched at 32 weeks. Well. This new practice I’m at is super strict about keeping babies in you as long as possible lol. My last practice would have done a membrane sweep at 38 weeks and induced me at 39 if I wanted to (they induced my sister at 39) but definitely would induce me on my due date. Which almost everyone I know lately has had done. Well this new place I’m at won’t even sweep my membrane until my due date and won’t induce me until I’m almost 2 weeks late. 41+4.

Now, I understand they just want baby to have as much time as possible to be ready and pretty much just want to give my body the time and chance to do things on it’s own. Bc i’m overall healthy. And when I first got pregnant I swore up and down I didn’t want to be induced and wanted to let everything happen naturally. But I didn’t know I was going to gain 75 lbs and that my baby would be huge. I literally can’t do this anymore. I know pregnancy is miserable for everyone at the end but I cry nightly from the pain. I can’t even get relief from laying down. No matter what side I’m on it feels like my bones are crushing beneath me it hurts so bad. I’ve been told to stop gaining weight. The doctor said I’ve gained too much and I need to stop lol but at this point I have TRIED. I literally can’t eat better or less than I do now. I cut out all the bullshit all the bad carbs all the sweets. I literally eat eggs avocados and grilled onions everyday and that’s it. and the weight STILL keeps packing on. I started at 135 I’m welll over 200 lbs now. To think I could have another 4 weeks of being pregnant and gaining weight bc they won’t induce me is upsetting me more than I can express. And I know my baby is just getting bigger and bigger the longer she bakes and she is already estimated to be about 9.5 lbs by my due date. Who knows how big she will get by 42 weeks. & I know everyone says her weight can be off but trust me. She is huge. You can SEE the fat on her in the sonograms and I can feel it inside of me. She is chubby and LONG. I feel like I screwed myself into another 4 weeks of pregnancy by switching practices. This is just a huge rant. I’m 38 weeks now. I literally can’t imagine that I may be be pregnant for another month. I really can’t. And my baby is extremely cozy in me. I have no progress in cervix dilation or effacement. I’ve been at finger tip dilation and 50% softened for weeks and cervix still long as ever. Lord be with me.

Anyone else at a super strict practice that won’t do anything to try to speed things up?? I see so many women on here and even know so many in real life personally who are getting induced at 39 weeks!!! Without any medical emergency. I really feel like I’m going to end up with a c section bc they’re going to let me go so override and this baby is going to be 12 lbs. and I will be so. So . Upset. If i have to get a c- section. I am absolutely terrified of that kind of surgery.