Mother in law in labor room

Ever since I got pregnant my mother in law has been telling everyone how she is going to be in the delivery room during labor without my consent. She has never asked me if she could not even my own mom has said she was going to be in the room without asking me first. I’ve told my husband plenty of times I don’t want his mom in there and he doesn’t like it. He tells me she is going to be in there no matter what. That it’s his mom and that shouldn’t be a problem. And I told him I don’t want her in there because I’m going to be all naked and open and everything and I really don’t want her to be apart of that. And he just says “ she will just be in the corner “ like NO. she will not just be in the corner I know how she is and she is going to be everywhere. I’m so fed up with his damn parents that just hearing them makes me mad. Yesterday we went over there house and they were talking about baby names and we said we wanted to give our baby my middle name as well which is a very neutral name and they where like ew no don’t do that the baby isn’t going to like it when he grows up and your going to regret it and I’m like what the fuck? THATS MY MIDDLE. I can give my son what ever name I want too! There lucky his going to have there last name in the first place so I want my son to have a part of me and my parents as well because my parents have the same middle name too. Ugh I freaking hate them.