Chart help needed please- BBT, CM and OPK don’t match up

Lindsay • 36 yr old RN, married for 9 years. 🌈/🌈/🌈WDR 10-23-17/🌈/ LGAR 3-27-22/ Due 10-1-23

So this is my first month temping and don’t feel like my temps correlate well with my CM or my OPKs.

I very clearly had dark OPKs on 7/22 and 7/23. On 7/24 they were dark in the AM but negative by that afternoon. My digital OPK also showed Peak on 7/22. Cervical mucus was EW on 7/24 and creamy on 7/25 and has been thick and creamy ever since. So why is my ovulation/temp drop showing as being on 7/26. Is it possible the chart is wrong?

Also my temps are spiking pretty high and not gradual like most I’ve seen. Is this normal?

My husband left to go out of town on 7/23 so I’m feeling like we may have missed our window 😩