Only having 1 child


I'm struggling rn. I have an almost 2 and a half year old son. I found out in March that due to some sudden medical issues, I will not be able to have more children. I went to the dr in March to make sure everything was OK bc we were about to begin our ttc journey. I'm only 20 years old. My first wasn't planned, I was pregnant my whole senior year of high school, and it was sooo hard. Fast forward to now, by bf and I have a cute little house in the country, both working full time jobs, very financially stable, and so we were excited and ready for another baby. I was so incredibly excited because I was going to be able to enjoy this pregnancy more and be able to actually celebrate it and not be so scared of ppl finding out and figuring out bills etc. Not that my pregnancy with my son wasn't exciting, it was just a whole other circumstance, ya know. Anyways, I'm having a crazy hard time coming to terms with this. I have seen 2 different drs and a specialist, gotten tests done, etc and I've been told the same thing by everyone, I will not be able to conceive another child. Right now, with my age, I am not interested in any fertility methods rn. I'm still determined to try even tho I know the odds aren't great. I started counseling and just trying to focus soooo hard on my family, work, finishing my career, but it's really affecting my mental health. I could just use some words of encouragement I guess.