My ex


So me and my ex are in highschool Alright I met him this summer. he's really hot my best friends cousin it was honestly perfect he was a sweet tall cowboy.. he had problems bc he missed his ex alittle but not much we didn't get intimate but it was pretty personal. He broke up with me after 1 month. Forgot to add this is my first bf ever. I missed him alot and we have been talking he said he wants to get back together. im not sure If I love him. He is kinda bipolar when it comes to things hes not mean but it's like he can't decide if he wants me or not. I used to talk to him all day and now he hardly texts back and when he does he is mad for some reason. He asked me for one of my friends #s the other day and I lost it bc he started talking bout how hot and stuff she was. Ik I'm not the hottest or anything but I'm not overweight or under I'm a tall sporty popular blonde. My boy bsf (who I love as a friend) said I need to drop him that I can do so much better. I them found out that my boy bsf wanted to get with me but I'm not mad at him he's looking out for me Ik that. My boy bsf is sweet and funny and I absolutely love hanging out with him. We go to church together and our family's are close. I hate to like be this way but what do I do I mean I love my ex (I think ) and I'm wondering if my boy bsf is really who I should go with yk? Any insight plz post 😶