Idk what i got myself into

Its sad now that I am 7 months pregnant and have a husband who will not keep a job so we are struggling very badly and he has been sitting at home playing video games literally ALL DAY LONG and won't even help me clean although I could really use his help. He is supposed to start a new job on Monday but I have a dr app on Wednesday the 4th and he is adamant about not missing it even though he will get fired if he misses or tells them he can't come in because he would only be working there for 2 days before he misses and he says he doesn't care. Idk what I got myself into because I didn't know he wasn't gonna be a supportive husband and father that actually wanted to work and take care of his wife and soon to be first child... we are young but he always worked but now idk whats going on its like he is scared he is gonna miss something with me and the baby but if he doesn't get a job then we won't be able to take care of our son because I can't do it all. With taking care of a newborn to breastfeeding and being the only one who cleans and cooks to then trying to get a job and work and catch up on some debt and bills we owe so we can live while he wants to set and play videos games thats not how it works.