Hey ladies need some help to make a decision

so I usually ovulate on cd14/15 with my first positive lh strip being on cd13

today is cd13 and nothing

I did a clear blue advanced test and it’s a flashing smiley which means I’m in my high fertility zone had this now for the last 4 days since cd10 , we have bd for the last 5 days even today

I am a flight attendant unfortunately I have a flight tom I will be out of the country for 2 days

which most likey the days I may ovulate

I’m so confused what should I do

should I call in sick and stay home or baby dance tonite and go for that flight

we have been trying since March had 2 mc since then

so really trying hard for my 🌈

so the help that I need is wether I should call sick and sty home n lose out on $400

or go for my flight baby dance tonite n pray that I get lucky

pls help so confused

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