Baby Shopping 🛍


I'm currently 28 weeks and 6 days pregnant with my 6th child. I haven't done any baby shopping and don't plan on having a baby shower. My mom and niece have brought my baby girl alot of things already. My husband just told me to let him know when I'm ready to go. Is there any other mamas out there that just isn't in the mood to shop? I just keep thinking where am I going to put all this stuff! My anxiety of clutter is kicking in full time! My oldest daughter who's 15 years old said she will help me organize I'm just not ready. Every time I go to the doctor My OB keeps asking have I went yet and I need to stop waiting. I'm considered being high risk due to having a cerlage in my cervix and being the age 35. I'm not concerned about preterm labor because I have 5 children ages 16, 15, 12,10 and 5 and Thank God for his grace and mercy , any of them have never came early even after cerlage removal which I had with all 5. So what do you ladies think 🤔? Should I just start shopping? I told myself no later than the end of August I will start. Money isn't an issue. I actually have a saving fund I started months ago just for her. I just dread being in the store shopping. Advice and thoughts on anyone else going through this! I can't be the only one.