Help with 3rd girl name


We’re pregnant with our third. Not sure the sex yet, but if it’s a girl I think we will have a hard time with names.

We have two daughters. Both of them have French (cajun even- my specific ethnicity) names that are beautiful and we love. They also both start with E. We’re not completely convinced that we have to follow the same exact pattern with number 3, but we wouldn’t want it to be so different that she feels left out.

Our daughters are:

Evangeline Claire- named for the famous poem about the cajun people, also the name of the street I lived when I was born. Claire is my sisters middle name. We call her Evie.

Elodie Anne- named after my grandmother, and my grandmother’s grandmother. Anne is my husband’s sister’s middle name (and mine, minus the E). We call her Ellie.

We don’t have any other sisters for the middle name situation. My sister is named Emily- she would be thrilled if we named our kid that but I would really like her to have her own name.

My husband likes Emery... it’s ok I guess. I like Esmerie better because it’s french and more uncommon. I also like Elphaba after my favorite fictional character but my husband is standing firm that I’m not allowed to name our daughter that. I like Emmanuelle but hubby doesn’t. Esme is ok but feels kinda bland.

Thoughts? Pretty, not as common, and either french or starting with e or both.