Feeling alone

I've been going through a tough time this week. My dad lost his mother, my grandmother, and he hasn't been himself. My mom continues to treat me like dirt. My sister acts like im suppose to be perfect. My boyfriend has been distant for over a week, just not himself. I'm really worried about him. Besides me not understanding what's going on with him he sorta treats me like everything is suppose to be fine with me. For almost 2 weeks now he hasn't asked about my day or if something is wrong. He blew up at me randomly on the phone yesterday and another day before then. I'm having trouble understanding what's going on. I'm trying my best to help myself while having to stop what seems like every second I get to myself to help someone else. It feels like I'm constantly on the go and my mind doesn't have time to rest. Insurance won't cover a therapist and my one best friend usually ends up talking about herself when i go to her which is not often for that reason. I just need someone to talk to. Where do I go?