Men are such a waste of time 😂


This might be kinda long but I gotta give a little backstory….

So I’ve been hanging out with this guy for about a minute. We don’t really see each other often because we live kinda far from each other and we both still live at home. Also I just turned 19 and he’s 24. So yesterday he asked me to invite him over since we haven’t seen each other in a while and he was in town. So I do, and the whole time he’s boasting like he’s about to break my back and all this stuff. So we go into my room and start to get to it. He only lasted 30 seconds like legit, he went in and out and then he was done. So I was veryyyyyyy disappointed to say the least. So after that we start watching twilight and he’s like “im turned on but I’m not.” So I said “yeah it’s because you finished already” and he’s like well “I’m about to leave.” So I tell him to go! He was only at my house for 20 minutes! I felt very used and stupid because it felt like he literally needed to bust a quick nut and dip. ( sorry if that was too much) So I posted this video on my private story (The gif as a reference)

And I forgot he was on there. But he slides up and said he just haven’t done anything in a while and he just has to get “active” again. So the whole point of this post is because this was soooo embarrassing! I just really feel turned off by him completely. Like idk if I’m being overdramatic or what but I wanna completely cut ties with him and never talk to him again but I love our friendship soooo idk what to do