My son is a miracle.


My son is 2.5. We got pregnant with him by accident during a rough patch in our lives - we were partying and drinking constantly, doing stupid things, and just overall living in complete sin and ruining our lives. I’ve always said I think God knew we desperately needed that child to turn us back to God. Getting pregnant made me realize that the thing I wanted for my son more than anything was for him to know God and spend his eternity in heaven. And I knew that his faith would start with me showing Christ’s love to him myself and modeling that faith. So I changed my life. I turned every single thing around and came back to God. My life has been exponentially better since turning it around. God has made me so new. And my son is thriving and coming to know Jesus more every day.

Little did I realize exactly how MUCH of a miracle my son was until we started trying for our second child. My husband and I both work out a lot and eat very healthy and are just generally very healthy people, so we naively thought we would get pregnant again pretty quickly and easily. Little did I know. Since we started TTC, I’ve been diagnosed with a bicornuate uterus (heart shaped uterus that makes it harder to carry to term ((I did carry my son to 39 weeks without a problem though, cause God 🤷🏻‍♀️))), a uterine septum that I had to have surgically removed (makes miscarriages more likely and full term carrying less likely ((I had a threatened miscarriage with my son where the doctor didn’t think he was viable and he still made it and was carried to full term)), diagnosed with PCOS and told that I do not naturally ovulate (I now have to take medication in order to ovulate), and now just yesterday we discovered my husband has low sperm count. Our chances of conceiving naturally without medical intervention are slim to none. My son was an ACCIDENT. No trying, no medical intervention, nothing. Just a beautiful, blessed MIRACLE from God to save us from ourselves in HIS PERFECT TIMING.

My whole purpose in this post is this - TTC sucks. It’s hard, it’s draining, it’s painful. The waiting and trying it’s all exhausting. But God has a timing. God has a purpose. There is PURPOSE in your struggle. There is PURPOSE in your pain. God will use all of that for His glory and when we get those two beautiful pink lines it will be all the glory to God for that miracle. DONT LOSE HOPE. God doesn’t work in your timing. He works in HIS perfect timing. He hears your prayers even when you don’t think He is answering them - He is. He is answering them in HIS way. In his timing. Your miracle is coming. Keep your faith.

“The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.” Lamentations 3:25-26