Feeling defeated


Anyone else have a baby since their March baby? We had our second beginning of June. I think I underestimated how hard it would be. I don’t regret it, obviously, but WOW! The 2 month old has no sort of daytime nap schedule, I try so hard to get him napping in his crib but it’s just not working. It’s SO hard to focus on anything like that with a 2 year old running around. My 2 year old is by far the worst listener ever right now and as expected he is very defiant/acting out a lot. I know being a big brother is hard for him and I feel so bad some days but wow, this is harder than I expected. The amount of TV I’ve had to allow makes me sick. When I do finally get the little one to sleep, big brother decides it’s a good time to do something noisy and wake him up. There’s like no winning with two 🤦🏼‍♀️

I guess I’m here just to vent or maybe looking for encouragement from someone who’s been through it…