Would you say something?

Kristin • 💍💕💙

So my husband and I came up with a boy name and a girl name for baby #2. I'm a therapist for kids so we lean towards names that aren't overused but aren't too uncommon or odd. We landed on two names that we like and weren't going to share but my niece (age 10) asked and I figured it wouldn't be any harm. It was a video call so my mom heard. Long story short, both "approved" of the girl name and didn't like the boy name at all. To the extent that they were like "why did you guys pick THAT?" with obvious yuck face. I truly don't care and am trying to not let it affect our choice but I'm lowkey pissed that they were rude about it. Would you say something to your mom about it? (The 10 year old gets a pass lol).

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