Not too sure what to do anymore. Sorry for the rant, just frustrated.

Baby girl is 3 weeks old, feels like SO isn't helping at all. We aren't in the best living situation right now, as it's a tiny place at my parents. We've been looking for our own for a year now which has been difficult with covid and he's picky with places. I'm hoping once we have our own place again thing will be better but I'm scared they won't be. I love him very much and want to be with him but things are seeming to get more overwhelming for me everyday. We've had a big fight over it when she was a week old and he said he'd help out more and he has a little. He doesn't want to be left alone with baby for long as she starts to cry and he doesn't know what to do, thinks only way to console her is if he has milk for her. Which I know isn't the case as my mom watches her for a couple hours sometimes and is fine. I know he's a first time dad so it can be difficult to connect but it doesn't seem like he's trying. He pays extra attention to us when we're out in public, it feels like he's just showing us off but not actually proud of us. He has helped a tiny bit with house chores (cleaning cooking) but if I do ask for something it seems like it's a big deal and I'm annoying him. It was like that throughout my pregnancy too. I did everything still do mostly, I thought it would be easier hoping still that it will get easier once we have our own place. I'm writing this while me and baby have been up since 4am while he sleeps like a baby beside us just turning over if there's too much noise. I feel like things would be easier if he wasnt here but I don't want that :( I love him very much and want us to work out. This is just getting so hard for me it hurts. He isn't the nicest sometimes too which confuses me as I'd never do that to him. If we were to take time apart he'd be far away from us and I don't want to do that to us or him. This new momma doesn't know what to do anymore. Would like to be happy as I don't want my daughter seeing me like this or being around this. So difficult. That's all thank you.